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Updated 13 July 2024


With school winding down for the year we are trying to figure out what summer looks like for us. This is our first full year with both girls in full time school (we homeschooled before now), and it's had a big impact on us. We've really had to adjust our daily routines over the past year. Not going to lie, it's been difficult. While I personally don't like it compared to how we used to function, I have to admit that it's been good for both girls with regards to their education. They've both made huge strides this year that just wouldn't have been possible if we were still home educating.


The last month has been a bit more calm and settled but hasn't felt less busy. Just a little less crowded around the house which is nice. This month, once finished with school, the girls will go off for camp. While they are off, Mary and I will take a couple of days and hike the Pembrokeshire Coast Trail in Wales.


We've got a big trip back to the US planned for August. I'm trying to organise a family reunion / 50 wedding anniversary celebration for my parents during that time. In the autumn we don't have much planned which will be a nice time to chill and do some things on our own.



I'm continuing my trend of fantasy books and now reading Ink & Sigil by Kevin Hearne.

Just finished

Go check out my new Books page to see what I've just finished.

Want to read

I'm not sure what's up next in my reading list. I've got a huge backlog but nothing is jumping out at me just yet.


Mostly watching Minecraft series videos on YouTube. We did start watching The Acolyte which has been really good so far. We are just waiting for more episodes to come out so we can continue watching.

I've also been watching the Euros in which England has, surprising, made it to the finals.