
Day after Leap Day update

There was a lot I wanted to write about over the last month, but when it came down to it I just didn't have the energy to sit down and write it. I've got a lot of drafts for posts but Just didn't have the drive to do it.

So this morning I forced myself to sit at my desk and do an update. I noticed that my Now page was out of date already so I dove into it and started updating lots of things there. Go check it out for a bit of an update

A long table full of home made food and decorated for a party

Last weekend we had our annual church social which I really enjoyed. Lots of really good homemade food from people all over the world. It's kind of like a global food sampler. I also got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while which was wonderful. I don't really like socialising at big gatherings, I'm more of a small group kind of person, because I find it very difficult to find things to talk about (small talk). But it was great to be a part of it and to see everyone.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to enable a bit of two way conversation between this blog and readers. I'm not expecting to have a lot of comments or what now but I want to have it available if people would like to comment or message me about something. I just don't want to have to deal with adding any javascript to my site. I also don't want to have to manage another service that handles comments. I guess I could do email. I am trying to set up email using my domain but it just hasn't been a high priority. Maybe that's the solution though. It does seem like the simplest. I've just never been very good at responding to people's emails.

If you have thoughts, and already know how to get in touch with me, then let me know what you think might be a good solution.