
Random update

It's been a busy past few days. Nothing specific but just a lot of random little things. And the rest of this week is going to be the same. And next week as well. And the kitchen is still being remodelled. And I'm overwhelmed and going into shutdown mode a bit.

The kitchen is coming along great, it's just slow. It seems like the end is always just slightly over the horizon and we're never quiet there.

kitchen with yellow stove white tiles on the wall and white cabinets. There are still unfinished bits like no paint on the ceiling and no electrical sockets hooked up yet.

I'm working on adding new sections to my site. I've downloaded my old twitter archive, my old blog, and my old facebook archive and am working on a way to display them on my site. I'm not really sure how I want to do it just yet but I've got a few bits in mind.

I finished reading 3 more books recently and have been meaning to write about them but just haven't. I'm probably going to do a separate section of the site for books. Maybe a separate RSS feed as well. Last year I read 32 books of widely varying styles. This year I'm probably going to come in under that number, which is fine.

I want to redesign my site a bit as well. The FiraCode typeface just isn't working for me. It just doesn't feel right. I'm thinking of going with the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font from the Braille Institute. Over all, it just looks good. And it has the added benefit of accessibility so win/win.

Anyway, that's enough random thoughts for now.