
Favourite photos - May 2024

Continuing the trend of favourite photos from the month that I've taken, here's a selection from May.

Pascha! Christ is risen!

Inside a darkened church full of people with a few candles lighting the area

Not so much that this is a great photo but it represents that our kitchen remodel is finished.

wide angle of a mostly white kitchen with wooden counter tops and a yellow stove. There is a black and white pattern in tile on the floor

And then my first Premier League football match.

Me inside a mostly empty London Stadium with the football pitch behind me

wide angle shot inside the mostly full London Stadium from the corner of the pitch a few rows back

West Ham United players celebrating in the corner after scoring a goal

James Ward-Prowse preparing to take a corner kick

David Moyes doing a lap of the pitch after the match clapping and waving to the fans

Outside of the London Stadium with the West Ham United crest on the side. The AcelorMittal Orbit is in the background

Then it was time for our annual church conference. Normally I get a lot more photos during this trip because it's a very photogenic place, but this year I was just way too busy with helping run the conference that I just didn't get any.

Outside on a green lawn people milling about and trees in the distance. Huge white fluffy clouds hang over head with patches of bright blue sky.